that was fucking amazing. i have no idea how you can make this kind of thing in flash. i love the Bitey of Brackenwood animations theyre so well done.
that was fucking amazing. i have no idea how you can make this kind of thing in flash. i love the Bitey of Brackenwood animations theyre so well done.
mildly amusing, if your iq is below 60 anyway
man that was poor. the idea had potential, but it was just not funny at all. it is the porrest attempt at spoofing of anything i have ever seen. Maybe you have to be high to laugh at it i dont know. ill go and spark up and watch it again in an hour and find out
all your base belongs to ATD
Iv come to expect good things from Akira the Don and this song is no exception, although i thought the flash was a little crap to be honest. However, that said, the song was good, my only gripe with it being the bit from Bashy. I just dont like his style, and i think the song would have been with Akira throughout.
Great animation, shitty tunes
Truly awesome animation and general style, i love the dancing stick thing. But, i found the choice of songs abysmal. I know its a personal taste thing, but in my taste they just didnt do the animation justice. A version with some trance tunes or somthing a little more upbeat would be awesome. Oh well. Still fantastic animation.
Pure genius, laughed so hard i was crying.
This is such an amazingly funny and cute flash, even better than the first one. I was actually crying from laughing and smiling so much. (im so gay :P )
Good as always
As always good, although i prefer the the more usual style of Firth to the papaer animation thing.
Rather tame when compared to some of his works, but still atmospheric and bizarre.
Nice style if redundant message
I like the style of this piece, its pretty well done, not the best but by no means anything like the worst. the message is fairly redunant in my opinion, but everyone is entitled to their beliefs. The last line "no you won't" was a nice way to end it.
But my favourite part of the thing was the introducion, mainly because of the music. Very appropriate choice of tune.
Thank you.
Holy Crap
Truly brillaint and awe inspiring. the nuke scene is brilliant.
The music was so well implemented, it gave me goosebumps. I thought perhaps the voices might have been done a bit better, maybe less prominent or something, but apart from that amazing.
That was pretty cool, serene music, and beautiful backgrounds. a bit dodgy on the character animation for the little girl, but pretty cool.
And to Crewed, i think you need to examine your own sexuality buddy ;) u must feel very insecure if you go about calling others fags just because there is (omg dare i say it) PINK in their flash. Jesus dude, grow up.
twisted as always
another bizzarely twisted addition to the series. disturbing as hell, but compelling to watch.
Age 37, Male
Joined on 1/1/04